Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Kluay Todd - Thai Fried Bananas

Thai Bananas

I had my first taste of Kluay Todd when I went to Bangkok and my two kids in 2001. The deep fried bananas were so crunchy and sweet unlike the deep fried bananas we get in Malaysia. I tried to recreate the recipe but failed many time. I came across this recipe on Rins Cookbook Youtube channel and I adapted it a little to my taste.  Thank you for sharing this recipe and for making it possible for me to have Kluay Todd at home. 


8 Thai Bananas
1 Cups Rice Flour 
1/4 Cup All-Purpose Flour
1/2 Cup shredded unsweetened coconut
1/2 Cup Sugar 
1/2 Cup Coconut Milk
1/2 Tsp Salt
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
4 Tablespoon Roasted Sesame Seeds
Cooking Oil


1.  Mix all the ingredients except the bananas and the cooking oil and leave it for about 10            minutes.
2. Heat cooking oil in a pot or wok under medium heat.
3  Skin and slice the bananas lengthwise into 2 or 3 slices.
4. Dip the banana slices in the batter and deep fry until golden brown.
5. Drain on paper towels and serve warm.
6. Deep fried bananas goes very well with some vanilla ice cream and drizzled with some        
     caramel sauce.

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