Saturday, May 30, 2015

Cajun Potato Salad ala Barbeque Nation

During our summer home leave, we decided to go India for a short visit. During our stay there we went to a restaurant called Barbeque Nation. They have quite a unique concept. My kids, husband and I just loved the free flow of barbequed shrimp, chicken, kebabs...and a lot more that I can't even remember now. All that I can remember is how fresh, delicious and scrumptious the food was. Only my mom had some problems with the food. She was a vegetarian during her trip to India and she just wasn't used to the concept of having a barque fire right on the table top and having grilled paneer and vegetables. They did the usual Indian buffet at the back, but none of us really bothered to have the buffet since the barbeque itself was so great. Anyways, we were served a potato salad as an appetizer and my youngest who doesn't eat vegetables at all, just loved this potato salad.  I looked to this recipe on the internet and I think I found this recipe on a forum, from a chef who actually works at BBQ Nation. The recipe was spot on. Everytime I make this for my son, I feel like going back to India to BBQ Nation!


1 lb baby potatoes

for the dressing

1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoon tomato sauce
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 teaspoon chat masala
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon chilly powder
1 shallot, diced finely

cooking oil, for deep frying


1. Wash the baby potatoes and drain.
2. Bring a pot of water to boil, and gently drop the baby potatoes into the boiling water.
3. Boil the potatoes for about 10 minutes or until they are half cooked.
4. Once the baby potatoes are half cooked, remove them with a slotted spoon and leave 
     them to cool down to room temperature.
5. Once the potatoes are at room temperature, cut each baby potato in halves or quarters 
    depending on the size of the potato. Mine were pretty small so I just cut them into halves. 6. Heat a pot of cooking oil on medium heat. Fry the baby potatoes until they turn crispy 
     and place them on some kitchen towels.
7. Next prepare the dressing. Place all the ingredients for the dressing in a bowl and mix       
    well. No additional salt is needed for this dressing but adjust the sweetness to your liking. 
8. Finally mix the crispy fried baby potatoes into the dressing and serve.

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