Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Pulut Inti

This is a delicious Malaysian dessert that I love. I have never bothered to make this myself because these types of desserts or nyonya kuih as they are normally called are readily available in Malaysia. So why bother making it at home right? Actually I never found a pulut inti that I really liked until I made it myself. You see I really like the glutinous rice to be firm shiny and aromatic. The ones that are sold in the shops and markets tend to be too mushy to my liking. My mom used to make pretty good pulut inti when I was little but she preferred the rice to be soft and not firm. She used to make this one in a while on Sunday morning for breakfast and I would eagerly wake up to the aromatic smell of pandan leaves coconut milk and glutinous rice steaming away... I'm so glad that I can make this myself now and most importantly in the way I like it....


1 cup pulut or Thai glutinous rice

1/3 cup coconut milk (thick)
1 tsp salt
1 pandan or screwpine leave cut into pieces


1.  Wash and soak the glutinous rice in water for at least 2 hours or overnight

2.  Prepare a steamer with boiling water.
3.  Drain the glutinous rice completely and put it on the steamer tray.
4.  Steam the rice for about 10-15 minutes or until the glutinous rice turns translucent.
5.  In the mean while mix the coconut milk and salt.
6.  Put the pandan leave pieces into a bowl.
7.  Remove the glutinous rice from the steamer and put into the bowl with the pandan                   pieces. Keep the water boiling in the steamer.
8.  Next pour the coconut milk into the glutinous rice and mix well and steam the glutinous         rice again for the second time.
9.  After about 10  minutes or after the glutinous rice is completely dry and shiny, remove it 
      from the steamer.
10. The pulut or glutinous rice is now ready to serve. I ate this with the coconut inti. This can        also be served with spicy coconut filling. Recipe coming next.
11.  If you want a softer glutinous rice, add 1/2 cup of coconut milk instead of 1/3 cup.

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