Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Bread Rolls or Roll Ppang

This recipe is taken from Maangchi at Maangchi's recipe is super easy and if you are looking for a no-knead bread recipe than this is the one. I just doubled the ingredients to make a bigger batch of bread rolls.  These bread rolls are soft fluffy and buttery. I also made strawberry jam from Maangchi's recipe.

Fluffy bread rolls served with cold butter and homemade strawberry jam


6 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup cold milk
1 packet of instant yeast or 4 teaspoons of instant yeast
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

3 cups of all purpose flour + 1/2 cup for dusting

for the glazing
1 tablespoon condensed milk mixed with 1 tablespoon of water


1. Place a deep pot on medium low heat and add the butter. 
2. Once the butter has melted, remove the pot from the stove and add the sugar, eggs, cold 
    milk and salt and stir well. 
3. Test the temperature of the butter and milk mixture. It should not be hot instead it should     feel slightly warm. Once the butter and milk mixture is just warm add the yeast and mix    
4. Finally add in the 3 cups of all purpose flour and mix well. The mixture will be very sticky.     Close the pot and leave the dough to rise for about an hour or double its size.
5. After about an hour punch down the dough and leave it to rise for another 30 minutes.
5. After 30 minutes, remove the dough and use the 1/2 cup of flour to knead and roll the     
    dough out to 12 littles balls. You might not have to use all the flour.
6. Take each ball and roll into a long string. Use the dusting flour if the dough is sticky. Take     the string and tie it into a knot and then join the ends together. Shape the sides of the roll 
    and place on the baking dish.
Rolled out bread rolls ready to proof for another hour

7. Leave the rolls in the baking pan and let it rise for another 1 hour.  In the mean time    
    preheat the oven to 350 degrees Celcius.
Bread rolls after 1 hour of proofing

8. After the rolls have proofed for about an hour, glaze the bread rolls with the condensed 
    milk that has been diluted with water.
 Bread rolls glazed with some diluted condensed milk

9. Bake the bread rolls in the preheated oven for 15 minutes. Remove the baking tray and     
    glaze the buns for the second time with the diluted condensed milk. Glazing the bread    
    rolls with condensed milk gives the rolls a slightly sweet and nicely browned top.    
Bread rolls just out of the oven

10. Serve the bread rolls with some cold butter and home made strawberry jam.

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