Sunday, June 21, 2015

Homemade Noodles


1 lb high protein flour or bread flour (about 4 cups of flour)
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1 cup water ( I nuked some carrots and pureed them with 1 cup of water and then measured out 1 cup of carrot puree)


1.  Put the flour and salt into a mixing bowl. 
2. With a mixer attached with a dough hook set the mixer on low and stir the flour and salt 
     for a few seconds.
3.  Gradually add in the water or carrot puree and let the mixer knead the flour into a dry 
     dough. This should take less than 5 minutes.
4.  Remove the mixing bowl from the mixer cover it and leave the dough to rest for 30 
5.  After 30 minutes, put the mixing bowl back in the mixer and knead the dough for     
     another 5 minutes.
6.  Repeat steps 4 & 5 for another 2 rounds. 
7.  Remove the dough from the mixing bowl and cover it up a cling wrap.
8.  When you are ready to make the noodles, boil a big pot of water on the stove. 
9.  Take some dough, dust with some flour and roll 
      it up to about 1/4" thickness or to the thickness that you like. Fold the dough and cut in 
      out into thin strips. I used a pasta maker to roll out the dough and to cut the dough into 
10. Prepare a bowl of cold water filled with ice. Take a portion of the noodles and drop it into        the boiling water. After about a minute or when the noodles are half cooked, remove the 
       noodles and immerse the noodles into the iced cold water. Drain the noodles and put 
       into a storage container. Repeat with the rest of the noodles. 
11.  Take a tablespoon of cooking oil and rub it all over the cooked noodles to prevent it from 
       sticking together.
12.  The noodles can be kept in the fridge for about 3 days or can keep longer if kept in the 
13. These noodles are very delicious. It is firm and chewy and it is a good way to add 
       vegetables into your kids diet. You can also make it with pureed spinach instead of 
       carrots.  I served my noodles with vegetable curry.

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